Various Publishers
- All
- Ace Comics
- Adult
- Animation
- Archie
- Books
- Charlton
- Classics Illustrated
- DC
- Dell
- Gold Key
- Graded Comics
- Horror
- Image
- Marvel
- Miscellaneous items
- Musical Instruments
- Music and Guitar Catalogues
- Music Magazines and Books
- Posters and Photos
- TV
- UK Annuals and Books
- Warlord
- UK Reprints
Various Publishers
- 20 Million Miles More
- Adventures into the Unknown
- Adventures of the Fly
- Airboy
- American Flagg
- Archie meets Batman
- Bart Simpsons Treehouse of Horror
- Batman Aliens
- Batman and Me
- Batman (Titan)
- Durango Kid
- E-Man
- Great Action Comics
- Grim Jack
- Jet
- Judge Dredd
- Krusada
- P.C. Thirteen Investigates
- Pitt
- Space Man
- Tai Tribe
- The Clock Strikes
- Twilight X
- The Gem
- Star Trek
- Samurai
- Spyman
- The Super Summer Holiday Annual
- Johnny Cash Memorabilia
- Miracleman
- Weird Fantasy
- The Knights of Pendragon
- Omega the Unknown
- Powers
- Planetary
- Leonard Nimoy`s Primortals
- Warfront
- The Programme
- The Phantom
- Young Love
- Zombie
- Journey into Danger
- Undersea Agent
- The Celebrated cases of Dick Tracy
- Tales of the Dark Knight
- Uncanny Tales
- Evil Ernie
- History of Aviation
- Bulletman Classic Comics Library
- Flying Review
- NoMan (Thunder Agent)
- Spawn Batman
- The Spirit (Golden Age)
- Space Ace
- Samurai Cat
- The X Files
- Unknown Worlds
- Teenage Wasteland
- Unexplored Worlds
- Police Comics
- Plastic Man
- Journey Into Mystery
- Eternal Warrior
- Eerie
- Forbidden Worlds
- The Shadow
- Miss Fury
- Web Of Evil
- TV Century 21 Annual
- Tomb Of Terror
- The Man From Uncle
- Miscellaneous Space Adventures
- Lady Crime
- Infamous Shocking Crime
- Horror
- Gene Autry
- Fun Comics
- Flash Gordon
- Bunty
- Black Cat Mystery (Reprints)
- Wings Comics
- Ultraverse Prime
- The Saint
- The Owl
- The Adventures of the Fly
- Tarzan
- Sub-mariner
- Spellbound
- Space Cadet
- Radio
- Midnight Eye (Adult Comic)
- Metropol
- Master Comics
- Indian Fighter
- Gunsmoke
- Graded Comics
- Gold Key
- Fly Man
- Doctor Solar Man of the Atom
- Crime Patrol
- Capt. Marvel jr
- Bulletman
- Blue Beetle
- Archie
- Vinyl + Other Audio
- War
- Western
- Motoring